02-16-2012 03:14 PM
I'm using LabView 2011. I am using a tree and I want the user to be able to reorganize it. The parent is called "test #" and it can have unlimited children called "step #". Test needs to always be the uppermost parent and step always needs to be a child of a test.
A tree may look like this:
Test 1
- Step 1
- Step 2
Test 2
- Step 1
Test 3
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
What I want the user to do is be able to grab a test and reorder it. For example, I want test 1 to be able to go behind test 2 to look like this:
Test 2
- Step 1
Test 1
- Step 1
- Step 2
Test 3
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
I only want dropping between items, not in items.
How can I do accomplish this?
02-20-2012 09:02 AM
I haven't received an answer yet. If someone needs this to be expalined better or has any questions, I'll gladly give more info.
02-21-2012 08:54 AM
Hey Biscuit!
Sorry for the long response time.
Dragging and dropping in your tree menu is entirely possible.
I'm assuming you're using the tree as a control.
In the block diagram, right-click on the tree icon, and create a property node
(Right click -> Create -> Property Node -> Drag/Drop -> Allow Item Drag)
You'll want to expand the property node to allow space for several properties to fine-tune the behavior. I've attached a screenshot of what my property node looks like.