11-22-2004 06:44 AM
11-22-2004 07:09 AM
11-22-2004 08:31 AM
11-22-2004 09:32 AM
11-22-2004 09:38 AM
01-03-2007 08:12 PM
I was about to post a new one on this old thing but came across this when running the exe file from a vi with a blinking and back/foreground color property. In the vi mode everything worked properly as intended with the properties (different color and transparent other than the manual setting under the options->color), including changing the the color under options menu. But the exe file made the BG/FG color to red and yellow while blinking. I came across this topic a long time ago but never used the blinking indicators in the .exe files. NI or someone else has said this is a bug or the default in .exe running environment, please confirm this so I do not have to play around with this.
Also attached is the .ini file from the .exe file and how I add a BG/FG color line to get it working like blue when visible and transparent when not?
Thanks in advance!
01-04-2007 08:59 AM
01-05-2007 01:36 PM