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How can I programly change button's blink speed, blink forground/background color?

How can I programly change button's blink speed, blink forground/background color?

Besides changing the LabVIEW.ini, is there another method to achieve?
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Message 1 of 8

You can use the property node for a control/indicator to set the blinking, foreground and background colors. However, I do not think you can change the blink speed of a control/indicator.

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Message 2 of 8
You can use the property node to change the foreground, background, and text colors of the button. If you do this in a timed loop or a FOR/WHILE loop with a fixed delay, you can programmatically change the blink rate. This bypasses the native LabVIEW blink and does the same thing (from the users perspective) with full control.
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Message 3 of 8
You can change the button blink ,in the ini file which is created when u build a application or in the Labview.ini file add this tag : blinkSpeed=.... what ever u want.and about the forground and background color it can be changed in using the Property nodes.
hope it helps
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Message 4 of 8
well i dont know anyother way out ,why do you want any other way out,is there any problem in it
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Message 5 of 8

I was about to post a new one on this old thing but came across this when running the exe file from a vi with a blinking and back/foreground color property. In the vi mode everything worked properly as intended with the properties (different color and transparent other than the manual setting under the options->color), including changing the the color under options menu. But the exe file made the BG/FG color to red and yellow while blinking. I came across this topic a long time ago but never used the blinking indicators in the .exe files. NI or someone else has said this is a bug or the default in .exe running environment, please confirm this so I do not have to play around with thisSmiley Mad.

Also attached is the .ini file from the .exe file and how I add a BG/FG color line to get it working like blue when visible and transparent when not?

Thanks in advance!


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Message 6 of 8
Hi napview,

It sounds like you are referencing this KnowledgeBase
How Can I Get My Blinking Colors to Be the Same in an Executable as in the Development Environment?

Let me know if you have any more specific questions on this topic.

Michael K.

| Michael K | Project Manager | LabVIEW R&D | National Instruments |

Message 7 of 8
Good things do come in this forum and thank you!
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Message 8 of 8