01-25-2012 07:51 PM
I have researched the knowledge base and found:
This seems to be from a previous version of LV. I am using LV2010. The instructions given do not match up with the current vi. The information did provide a tip and drilling down into the vi I was able to insert the from/to page numbers at the printout invoke method, however this prevents the print function from working in that it can no longer find the default printer.
The error message is:
Error 1015 occurred at NI_ReportGenerationToolkit.lvlib:Word_Print.vi -> NI_Word.lvclass:Print Report.vi ->
error 1015 is: Printer is not responding. Check printer configuration.
Any ideas how I can make the modification to print, for example, pages 24 through 29 out of a 32 page word document?
01-27-2012 12:15 PM
Hello, take a look at this article. Unfortunately the Generate Report Get Data to Modify.vi was remove since RGT 1.1.3 release. That being said, we can try to find a workaround. See "Configuring a Printer Through the Windows Dialog in LabVIEW", open the GetPrinterSettings.vi, at the PrinterSettings property node you can select the from/to page. I hope this helps.
01-30-2012 08:05 PM
Thanks for the reply.
I'm still looking into this and have not yet found the solution.
Is there something in ActiveX controls that could help me? I am not familiar with using that aspect of LabView.
02-06-2012 07:40 PM
I am still trying to figure this one out. Is there a way to:
1. Access an open a Word document.
2. Select the print function
3. Fill in the "Print Pages" box with the specific page numbers I need
4. Print the document
Can this be done with ActiveX? I am not familiar with using that feature.