02-03-2012 03:41 PM
i have a peculiar problem,
I have a sbrio 9642XT mounted on an aluminum plate (also connected to earth ground) along with 9213 thermocouple on slot 1 and 9477 digital out module on slot 3.
previously this setup used to be on an acryllic plastic plate. and now when i shifted to the aluminum plate the thermocouple module is not being detected by labview project under chasis, while the 9477 is still being detected.at slot 3
i placed an analog inpt 9205 module on slot 1 just to see if there is a problem with slot 1, and yes the new module is also not detected on slot 1,
so placed it on slot 2 and now the thermocouple module is detected and works fine on slot 2.
the attached picture shows the Ungrounded T- type of Thermocouple Probes that I use , these are immersed in ice water and in some other inert liquids to read the temperature
so my question is, is the problem related to grounding issue caused by liquids and did it ruin the slot of the SBRIO some how or is the sbrio just got faulty after using for an year. or is it got something to do with the mounting on aluminum plate (earth ground)
also i never used slot 2 before.
is there a way to test in any other way to know if the slot 1 is ruined because of the above reasons or is it a software issue
i dont want to ruin the slot 2 of the sbrio by placing that thermocouple module. please help
many thanks,
02-06-2012 06:07 PM
Hi Freemason,
Nothing you have described should be causing a slot to stop working; as long as the sbRIO is properly mounted and not touching the backplane, it shouldn't be a problem. If your slot 1 is not working, you could also send the board in to National Instruments for repair. Are you still under warranty?