10-26-2004 04:01 PM
10-27-2004 08:37 AM
10-27-2004 10:33 AM
10-27-2004 02:53 PM
10-27-2004 03:21 PM
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03-27-2010 02:55 PM
I have the same problem(i want to display the actual time in the x-axis of the waveform chart) but i don't know how to modify my program. i was wondering if you can please help me in this manner
<i have attached my program& i'm using labview 8.2>
Looking forward to recieving from you
03-27-2010 05:08 PM - edited 03-27-2010 05:10 PM
You copied that program from somewhere and you don't really understand anything about it, do you? There are some strange functions there. At least one of the VIs seems to do what a standard function does.The VI you asked for help in another thread, is clearly not necessary.
The answer for displaying the actual time on the x axis has already been given. Just look at the Real Time chart example. You just have to use your wait time the same as the example does.