09-14-2007 03:51 AM
09-14-2007 04:03 AM
You CANNOT create c-code from LabVIEW.
But, you can call LabVIEW code from C, C++, VC++, VB or .Net as a dll and vice-versa.
Do a search in the NI site in the title "Calling code written in LabVIEW from C" or "Calling external Code from LabVIEW". It ll yield you some good materials for getting started.
09-14-2007 04:06 AM
09-14-2007 04:10 AM
@chefcommander wrote:
I have an programm which is written by labview and now i want to convert it to an c-code or c++, or vhdl, so that i can read the syntax in text-form not in labview as "Block-Diagram".
Even as you call LabVIEW code converted into a Dll from C or C++. I dont think you ll be able to "read" the syntax & all those kinda things.
What you can do is you should be knowing the variables' datatypes & the parameter passage/return type protocol when you convert a LV program into a Dll. This is because when you give a Dll to a C++ development fellow, he/she ll bee able to read the .h file that gets created with the Dll when you do the build process.
09-14-2007 04:27 AM
09-14-2007 04:31 AM
09-14-2007 04:36 AM
09-15-2007 03:21 PM
09-17-2007 04:40 AM
09-17-2007 10:37 AM