06-17-2011 08:08 AM
I'm trying to add a color ramp to a tank indicator. I'm using Labview 2009.
Right clicking the tank, selecting properties gives me a dialog box with several tabs. On the 'scale' tab, there is a tick box 'show color ramp' and a dependable tick box 'interpolate color'.
Unfortunately, I am not able to check the boxes. I'm guessing I have to change certain settings of the tank indicator or something, but I can't seem to find the way to add the color ramp to the tank. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
06-17-2011 08:18 AM
It looks like color ramps are not supported for tanks.
Only dials, knobs, gauges and meters.
06-17-2011 08:24 AM
06-17-2011 08:43 AM
This is another idea that may also help. I made a tank indicatior with multi sliders giving each one a different color.