01-11-2010 03:33 PM
How do I generate a pulse with a user specified puse duration, down time and repitition, and then out put to a graph and then to daq ports?
I used lab view in engineering class, but that was the extent of my usage and after fiddling around in lab view and looking on the web looking for solution, I could not produce desired results. My professor wants me to produce something that will output a pulse for a specified duration, then downtime for another specified duration and then repeat the process a specified amount of times.
I am using labview version 7.1
Thanks in advance.
01-12-2010 06:48 PM
Are you using hardware (DAQ card) to generate this pulse or are you planning on doing this all in software. If you have a DAQ card in LabVIEW you can go to Help » Find Examples and then select Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Generating Digital Pulses » Gen Dig Pulse Train-Finite.vi. This will use a counter from your DAQ card to generate a finite number of pulses at a specified frequency and duty cycle. Give this a try, or let me know if you are not using hardware, and we can figure something else out.