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How do I localize a file DSN path (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Data Sources\mydata.dsn" changes to C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\ODBC\Data Sources\mydata.dsn" in French)

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Yeah, I spotted those sub-keys and ended up putting together this little SubVI that gives me both... Next step trying it the application 🙂
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Message 11 of 16

Nuts! 😞


I made a little test app to hopefully prove your theory about being able to check for .NET... however, it seems that my original statement was correct. If you build an exe and installer from the attached project and install and run the app on a copy of XP without .NET installed you get the following error message:





And then the development menu bar reappears with a broken arrow:


broken arrow.PNG



Message Edited by shew82 on 08-21-2009 04:00 PM
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16
The problem is that you have the "dot-Net Folder Browser" VI configured with debugging turned off. I don't know why this causes the problem. Quite odd.
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 16

Unfortunately that is not the problem. The only way I can get the registry solution to work sucessfully is to create a launcher vi that does the registry check and then dynamically launches the main application. This way the launcher VI has no calls (whether they are within subVIs or not) to .NET and therefore can run even if .NET is installed (see the attached, new version of the code).



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Message 14 of 16
Well, all that I can say is that your previous version had the symptoms you described. I'm running LV 2009 on a virtual machine that does not have .NET installed. When I enabled debugging on the subVI I mentioned and rebuilt the application, the app worked. On a system that did not have .NET installed. I don't really know why it doesn't work for you, but given your issues, it would seem that the launcher method is your best bet.
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Message 15 of 16

Although I wish this worked, I can back up shew82. I have a large app that uses a little .NET calling within it. When the built exe is installed on a target PC without .NET, then launched, I get a broken run arrow and exactly the same error that shew82 has shown. I cryptic "this vi is broken" message.


My app is in LabVIEW 8.6, and I would have hoped that it would still run, and that I'd get an error from the sections of code that call .NET dlls. I have to ask my customers to manually check for .NET before installing my application.

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

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Message 16 of 16