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How do I put a scale on an image display window?

I am using a frame grabber and displaying an image. Is there any way I can put to left and bottom of the display like a axis or scale (I dont really know what to call it) that shows the pixel numbers along the x and y axis?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
As far as I know, you cannot label and image display that way.  Can you convert the data to a 2D array and use an Intensity plot?  If the image data is grayscale U8, you can even get the color scale right.
Randall Pursley
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5
Could you elaborate on that a little bit? What exactly is an intensity plot showing. And what do you mean in the last sentence of your post?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
The Intensity Graph is a 2D where the indices of the 2D array correspond to the X and Y positions and the element value is displayed as an intensity.  The color table used to display this intensity can be set by the user.  If your image is a grayscale image, then the pixel values are intensity values and the data can be displayed the same way in a Intensity Graph.  See attached.  You may have to find another image to use as your example.
Randall Pursley
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

You can place two picture controls around your image display.


See attachment for getting started.




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Message 5 of 5