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How do I save a front panel object image with full color depth?

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When I use the Invoke Node method to get the image of a front panel object, and then save it as a bmp or png, I seem to lose color depth. What do I need to do to programatically save front panel objects with the same color depth as they appear on the screen?


I'm using LabView 2011 11.0

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author caleyjag

You have an input in that Invoke node called Image Depth.  You wired an 8 to it.  Why?  Wouldn't that mean you are capturing an image at a rather low image depth of only 8 bits?

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Message 2 of 4

Ummm... maybe because of that 8, where you're specifying 8-bit depth?

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Message 3 of 4

Yup, if I type 24 in there instead of 8 it solves the problem. 8 was the default value.

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Message 4 of 4