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How do I synchronize analog outputs to a single device?

I'm fairly new to labview and I wrote a program that would output one signal, however, now I want to output two signals to two different channels at the same time (so that they are in sync with each other). I've looked at examples that synchronize inputs and outputs but I can't get mine to work. I've attached what I wrote so far. Is there anyone that can lead me in the right direction?


Thanks - I really appreciate it.

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Message 1 of 3
Of course it does not work. You are probably getting a resource reserved error. If you had searched for that or the error code, you would have gotten the explanation yourself. You cannot have multiple tasks running on the same hardware resource. You have to use a single task. You can specify multiple channels (i.e. Dev0/ai0:1) and use the NChanNamp DAQmx Write and wire an array of waveforms to it.
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Dennis! That actually clarified a lot of my misunderstandings about how this is working.


Thanks again.

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Message 3 of 3