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How do these new .nce configurations work?

Ok im not exactally a labview wizard or anything but i was pretty comfortable with the .daq configurations.
If i loaded a *.daq the proper calibrations would load up, and the other ones would go away.
Now with these new .nce files (which im pretty sure are the same as .DAQ files) when i load one up, the extra scales that are not in this .nce file do not go away. What is the deal with this? How do i know what is in the .nce and what is not?
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Message 1 of 5

The .daq files and .nce files differ in the way they function.  The .nce files are the newer format and they allow you to export things associated with DAQmx.  The .daq files can still be used and they are useful when you want to export your Traditional DAQ items.  For more information on how to import and export both of these file types please refer to the following documents.

Saving the System Configuration in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Export and Import Files in Measurement & Automation Explorer

When you import a .nce file it will add any Tasks, Scales, etc from that .nce file to your existing configuration.  It will not delete the other entries in MAX.  It will tell you when you are replacing an existing entry when you import the file. 

To know what exactly is in a .nce file you can look at the report that is generated when you originally export the configuration.  Just save this file to your hard drive and then you can always refer to it before you import the .nce file.  Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.

Have a good day,

Brian P.
Application Engineer
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Message 2 of 5

Well to be honest that is kind of crappy and a step backwards.

So if i have 37 test rigs that run on labview, and they all have channels called T1,T2,T3..... or P1 P2 P3... or speed..

How am i supposed to keep them all seperate?

Im using Daq MX and i want to be able to load a unique configuration for each piece of test equipment, and not have literally hundreds of unused extra scales to wade through.

I have already had a problem where some end user wound up changing the calibrations on an incorrect speed channel for a different rig, therefore making that rig not function.

This is a really big deal for me and i NEED to be able to have groups of scales for each test rig.





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Message 3 of 5
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Message 4 of 5
You can reset your tasks, scales, etc by resetting the DAQmx Configuration in MAX.  This is a very easy step to perform and I believe it will solve your problem of having many different scales.  Before you import a new .nce file just go to Tools>>NI-DAQmx Configuration>>Reset NI-DAQmx Configuration.  Then once the configuration is reset you can import your new .nce file and everything will be organized the way you want it to be.  You can read a little more about this process by going to this knowledgebase article.

If your still having problems please let me know, but I think this should help solve your issue.

Have a good day,

Brian P.
Application Engineer
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Message 5 of 5