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How do you read MS Exchange Server email

I am trying to develop a server side LabVIEW email action application that will use subject line of generated client emails,  sent to a specific account, too perform an 'action' based on the structured commands of the email subject line.

As this  application is residing and running on a server I wish to advioid the use of connectivity through another application (like outlook).

The wish is to directly read and manipulate emails from, to  and on the MS exchange server.


I'm Seeking advice on the best and most robust method in  programming a LabVIEW access routine for  MS exchange email service ?

I have already experimented with Pop3 using the TCP/IP and webdav but have experienced limitations in my pursuit of using these connectivity methods.



thanking you in advance for your time and advice


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Hi Bushbandit, 

I've been looking into this and have come across the Web Services in Exchange provided by MSDN. It has some good information on what is possible with web services in MS Exchange. I'll post more as I find it.



- Corey 

Applications Engineer

National Instruments  



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Thanking you for your response

whilst i have been looking at the MSDN web site and others, i was interested in the experiences of others to direct me in how to tackle this problem to create a reliable and robut product with the manipulation capabilities of emails neccessary to my project.

ie read and process an email

- read email (sender, subject and body)

-get a count of new recieved emails

- after processing either mark as  read or shift to a processed folder in web exchange

- if action email fails to process shif to error folder on the exchange

- if unrecognised format or sender shift to junk folder

- send acknowledgement email on successful processing


Corey thnking you and looking forward to your oher posts and ideas

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