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How globally limit plot colors for a set of xy graphs in 8.5?

I writing a vi that has many plots in it.  Using property nodes, I've set the graphs so that the backgrounds are white (this is so when i bitmap an image of the front panel, it doesn't tear through toner to print them).  The problem is that the first plot on the graphs is always white.  Is there a way to globally exclude a color from being plotted without having to specify i^n plots for n graphs using property nodes?  Thanks in advance for any input.

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Message 1 of 3

Manually setup the graph the way you want it to look.  The select the control, then choose Edit->Customize from the File menu.  Save the custom control and then use that to place graphs instead of the standard graph.


If you already have all the graphs, you can write a subVI using a reference, then get an array of all the references to your graphs and run the subVI on each reference, and the existing graphs will update.

Message 2 of 3

Thanks!  A bit time consuming but faster than the other options.  Also made me stronger with referencing after working through some issues...

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