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How i can get the needed information (for example value of string constants) from the VI file by open it for read in a automatical way?



1. I have many VIs with string constants.

2. Every string constant holds vaule (for example "GPIB::11:MASK ON" or "SWITCH::POWER DIS")

3. I do not want to open all of files (about 2000 files) and in manual way explore the constants'values

4. I want with some VI or perhaps tool list the directory that will include all of 2000 VIs and to get some LOG / RESULT file with values of those constants


The questions:


1. Does it possible at alll???

2. What is the format of VI file? Does it open?

3. Any hints how i can do it? Any suggestions? Proposals??


Thank you very much,




Thank you & Best Regards

*I use LabVIEW 2018 & TestStand 2021 versions
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Message 1 of 14

I have not simple soluce but only a crazy idea Smiley Tongue:


Export VI as VI Strings (VI Method) then search for each text file the corresponding info such as :



<CONTROL ID=81 type="String Constant" >
   <PART ID=11 order=0 type="Text"><LABEL><STEXT>TEST</STEXT></LABEL></PART>


but I recognize it's long & delicate to develop it, surely very long in execution time...


It's only to help but I hope there exists a better way 😉

Message Edité par J.DECHET le 01-13-2010 12:45 PM
Message 2 of 14

If i can export VI like STRINGS so i will can parse it!

Great idea! I did not know that we can represent VI like a STRING/XML format!

I will try it now!



Thank you alot!!!

Thank you & Best Regards

*I use LabVIEW 2018 & TestStand 2021 versions
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Message 3 of 14
tried   not working.  anybody able to ?
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Message 4 of 14

Don't forget to specify TRUE as Export Diagram...




In fact, I used this method in the past to know in which version of LabVIEW was written a VI (first line of text file). I didn't find other method at this time...


But I prevent it's a very slow process and with your 2000 VIs you risk to wait a serious time.

Message 5 of 14

Not so slow, i will LIST the directory and after it iteratively will send every file to CONVERTION without manual work 🙂


p.s. i suppose so ... 🙂

Thank you & Best Regards

*I use LabVIEW 2018 & TestStand 2021 versions
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Message 6 of 14

Ok, it's true that today, computer's technologies are faster than when I practised it (one processor with slow hard disk, only 4 years ago)...

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Message 7 of 14

Question regards conversion:


I need instead REFERENCE to present file to find way how i can give a REFNUM of any OPENED file (such as i can iteratively to give the list of the files .. and not to

    manually seed it to every file...)


Any idea??? How i can do it?


Please see the attached picture of the issue


Thank you all!

Thank you & Best Regards

*I use LabVIEW 2018 & TestStand 2021 versions
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Message 8 of 14
Use 'Open VI Reference' in the palette named "Application Control" instead of 'Open File' and don't forget to close it after... 😉
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

Hm i did it but now other program? Could you please the attached picture why it happens?



Thank you alot!

Thank you & Best Regards

*I use LabVIEW 2018 & TestStand 2021 versions
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Message 10 of 14