07-24-2009 03:08 PM
I was kind of waiting to see if anyone mentioned it unprompted - but since no one has I'll come right out and ask:
Does the LabVIEW Statechart Module solve the issue?
It would seem like a good way to define the behavior, but I have to assume it hasn't been widely adopted because I never see anyone discussing it...
07-24-2009 03:24 PM - edited 07-24-2009 03:32 PM
The State Diagram Editor WAS a great solution. It did not have the ability to select a bunch of states and do a "create sub-State-Diagram" but I could put a SDE VI inside the sate and another SDE VI. Checking for things like "abort" required I think ahead to make sure the sub had something to check.
[Set RantMode= True]
The State Chart Module (which replaced the SDE ) has a steep learing curve, and you have to understand it completely if you are developing a high CPU demand app. If you want to learn it then it could help you out. On the surface it appears to mostly a way of nesting case structures since every step in a State Chart Module VI has to execute the VI then return to its caller that in turn has to live in a loop. Using that construct Ihave limited control over the state data and how it is stored (in the SDE I controlled the shift registers and how they were accessed). So I am forced to trust that they would be implemented properly (fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me) I just don't have the time to devote to learning it well enough to take a chance of using in in an app. My boss will give a very unhappy look if I used it in an app and later find out it can not keep up.
[Set RantMode =False]
One of these days (after I retire) I wiil re-write the SDE myself and add all of the features I wanted in the first place.