01-04-2013 05:29 AM
is it possible to acquire (measure) mixed Analog and Digital Signals (lets say 2 analog and 2 digital) Signals
at differnt rates and store them into TDMS file? How?
AIn1 at 1000 Saples/sec
AIn2 at 10 Saples/sec
DIn1 at 200 Saples/sec
DIn2 at 2000 Saples/sec
Thank you.
01-04-2013 07:48 AM
Check the examples that ship with LV.
01-04-2013 07:51 AM
Do they need to be in a single TDMS file or can they be separate. If they can be separate, look into the DAQmx Configure Logging.vi to have the data streamed straight to a TDMS file.
If they have to be in a single TDMS file, then read data from one task, write to the TDMS file, read from the next task, write to the TDMS file, etc.