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How to add controls in a typedef cluster

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I need to add controls to a typedef cluster of 30 elt 

any help please ?

i'm using LabView 2015


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Message 1 of 18




Opentypedef and edit. 

Remember : If u change a typedef, the change occurs wherever. 

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Message 2 of 18

Jay0909's example shows how to do it for an enum, but a cluster works exactly the same (you might need to click on the border though). Alternatively, you can open the .ctl from the project explorer, recent files, or even windows explorer. This will all open the type def for editing (if no running VI's are using it).

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Message 3 of 18


Thanks for the response, i can't add these framed color box intrerprted by Numeric value U32 ( there are hided controls and indicators in my typedef clusters ) i just need to add 5 ports in these type def cluster. 

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Message 4 of 18



      Post your ctl. Please explain step by step.

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Message 5 of 18

I don't see a cluster in your type def. It seems like you're trying to add the controls to the front panel of the type def. That won't work. You need to put them in a cluster.

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Message 6 of 18


i need to add 5 ports (framed color box ) to this typedef .

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Message 7 of 18

If you want to, we can add them. But that won't really solve the problem...


Not sure why you can't do this, you seem to have done it before with the other items?


Simply select (drag a box over them) the top 5 controls. Then press CTRL+drag to copy them. Make sure you drop them inside the invisible cluster (a dashed box will appear). If you don't, the control will be broken. You'll get a OK icon with a red line across the OK.


To make things a bit clearer, you could give the cluster a color (background or border). 


This is pretty basic stuff. Did you inherit code and need to change it? Some (free) courses might help.



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Message 8 of 18

Thanks for your help .

Yes i'm trying  to change a code and i need to add these ports to adapt it to new project .

i just did what you said from the beginning but i have this error as shown in the capture

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Message 9 of 18

Looks like the file itself is set to read only.  Do you need to check it out of your SCC repository?

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Message 10 of 18