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How to add controls in a typedef cluster

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@ahmedkochbati92 wrote:

Thanks for your help .

Yes i'm trying  to change a code and i need to add these ports to adapt it to new project .

i just did what you said from the beginning but i have this error as shown in the capture

The error is from the file system.  It won't let you save because you don't have permission to write to the file.  Most likely the file is set to read-only (possibly it is checked in to a version control system in which case you would have to check it out before editing).

"If you weren't supposed to push it, it wouldn't be a button."
Message 11 of 18

Wow.  A large, "hidden-label" Cluster with some elements clearly mis-placed (Sw_Project_IPAddr2 and Sw_Project_IPAddr3 come near the end, far away fro Sw_Project_IPAddr1).  In addition, there are at least 30 items in the Cluster, yet what shows on your TypeDef appears to have only 17.  This is clearly a Problem Waiting to Surface.


I recommend learning about creating and using Clusters, including how to re-order them, fit them neatly in a framework, and organize them.  Start with the basics and gradually move up.  I would recommend "starting over" and redesigning this mess from the beginning.  And, for your own sanity, make the labels visible.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

It would have been useful if you'd mentioned that error from the start.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

Sorry CARYA, Yes the file is set to read only what can i do to add items to typedef ?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18

  Yes the file is set to read only ,can i add items to this type typedef ?

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18
Accepted by ahmedkochbati92

It depends on settings in LabVIEW if the read only will block editing the VI or not (Tools>Options>Environment>Saving VIs>Tread read-only VIs as locked). Regardless this option, you need to unlock to be able to save as the same file. Note that the entire directory (hierarchy might be locked (not sure actually if that's possible).


Unset the read only in Windows Explorer. There's no way to do this in LabVIEW.


Then reload the control, and follow the steps mentioned before.

Message 16 of 18

i just unset the read only in the windows explorer and it works.


Message 17 of 18

Kudo for marking a solution. I kudo'd Paul's answer as well, he solved the actual problem. 

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 18