03-09-2016 07:19 AM
I have 6 mics, and I have to calculate average sound pressure from mics 1-3 and 4-6. Then I have to subtract these average values. I did it like you see in that screenshot, but probe data says that after that subtract block there comes sound pressure mic 1. And in graph I can see also that it is same than mic 1.
03-09-2016 07:22 AM
You were very careful to pluck the waveform out of the Dreaded Dynamic Wire (I assume that's what you have) when you added the signals, but not when you subtracted them. Is there a reason that subtraction is being handled differently?
Bob Schor
03-09-2016 07:32 AM
The names are coming from the names stored in the attributes of the waveforms. In the case of the subtraction, it uses the attributes from the first input. You could always just change the plot name in your graph.
03-09-2016 08:27 AM
03-09-2016 09:09 AM
This doesn't help with your question but is rather a tip. The index array function will automatically start indexing at 0 if the index values are left empty.
If you want to index rows 5, 6 & 7....you only need to explicitly index row 5 and Labview with auto-increment the following indexes.
03-10-2016 12:36 AM
I mean that the plot in graph is same than mic 1 plot.
03-10-2016 07:56 AM
03-14-2016 07:56 AM
Here you can see my problem.I am trying to subtract mic 2 from mic 1 because I want to see the difference between mic 1 and mic 2. Why the plot in graph 2 is still same as mic 1 in the first graph.
03-14-2016 11:48 AM
Hi Tugez, at the two red circles, could you right click >> create indicator. Then run your VI once with both indicators there. Then right click >> change to constant on each indicator. Then upload your VI (LV 2014 or less for me!). Thanks,
03-15-2016 02:07 AM
Okay, here it is. Subtract 1 vi is with numeric indicator and subtract 2 with graph indicator.