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How to collect Continuos data?

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Dear all


Here i have programmable power supply which i can set the output volatge and current of it and used to calucalte other parameters such as losses,power..etc and i have two pressure sensors which i can collect pressure data continuosly .  From my labview program i can collect and save data's for pressures continuosly but i couldn't able to  collect data from the power supply ( volatge and current more than 8 samples.)  How can i able to collect data for volatge and current countinously like the pressures . here i have attached sample data which i collected it .  that is the volatge , current and other paramentrs are collected only for 8 sample.


thank u inadvance.

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Message 1 of 7
Accepted by topic author bstar

You are collecting voltage and current continuously. The number of samples is limited by how fast your loop iterates and part of the limitation is that you are configuring the serial port each time. Don't do that. You also have the basic limitation of a serial connection. Run a loop with just the serial acquisition so see what your maximum rate might be.


p.s. Clean up your diagram. It's very hard to read.

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Message 2 of 7

Dear All

I  have some problem. I have the programmable power supply (RS232) and DAQ to collect  Sensor datas. The DAQ sample rate is set to be 0.01Hz.

But when i try to set ON,voltage and current of the power supply there is delay of 100sec.(the same with DAQ collect data).  I tried the power supply out and inside of the loop with DAQ.


Any one can help me... to make ON and set current and volatge with out any time delay.



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Message 3 of 7

Please start a new thread for your question.

This thread is not relevent to your question.

Cory K
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Message 4 of 7



How can i creat new thread?

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Message 5 of 7

Click on "New Message"


New Message.PNG

Cory K
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Message 6 of 7

Thank you Cory.


 I already posted it and waitting for ur reaction  with my problem.



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Message 7 of 7