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How to connect external sensors to labview?

i want to ask How can i connect external sensors to NI labview for my final year project.? here are my lists of sensors:


a. Temperature sensor (LM35)
b. Humidity sensor (HH10D)
c. Light sensor (LDR)
d. Moisture sensor

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Message 1 of 20

What kind of connections do your sensors have (just +/- wires, USB...)?

If it's only the sensors and +/- lines (or similar), the solution that comes to mind is using NI's bread board.

In that board you'll have analog & digital I/O among everything else you might need (power, fgen, scope, and etc...).


Hope this help a little,



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 20

@fauzan wrote:

i want to ask How can i connect external sensors to NI labview for my final year project.? here are my lists of sensors:


a. Temperature sensor (LM35)
b. Humidity sensor (HH10D)
c. Light sensor (LDR)
d. Moisture sensor

You need to gointo a little more detail. From your list I am guessing you are going to need a fair amount of external circuitry at minimum a power source and a resistor. Then you are going to need something to do the A to D and interface to the computer.


NI has low cost devices like the NI USB-6008 miltifunction I/O. I have one of them and it is "okay" but I really do not like using it because programming it seems cumborsome to me.


I suggest the USB 1208-LS from  Measurement Computing for $129 bucks it's equal to the NI USB-6008 ans costs less 


Plus the LabView Vi's are straight forward drop in types, the NI device requires you to go through the DAQ wizard and (IMHO) over complicates everything.


=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
Message 3 of 20


@RTSLVU wrote:

NI has low cost devices like the NI USB-6008 miltifunction I/O. I have one of them and it is "okay" but I really do not like using it because programming it seems cumborsome to me.


I suggest the USB 1208-LS from  Measurement Computing for $129 bucks it's equal to the NI USB-6008 ans costs less 


Plus the LabView Vi's are straight forward drop in types, the NI device requires you to go through the DAQ wizard and (IMHO) over complicates everything.


No, of course it doesn't.  You can use the primitives just like you always could before there even were DAQ Assistants, etc.  The wizards simplify things for beginners but at the expense of efficiency (sometimes).  Plus, they hide the inner workings which inhibits learning how to do it yourself.  The easiest way for beginners is to open an example that does close to what you want and modify it for your particular needs.  It's very easy.  The MC products I've used we quite good too, and though they are cheaper I really prefer the NI stuff.


@EDIT:  @Op, another advantage of NI hardware is that it can be simulated.  You can create virtual devices in MAX and try out your DAQ coding before you spend any money on the actual device.


LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 20

i want to measure my greenhouse environment using these sensors and show the output through labview.

is the device compatible with these sensors?

how many input that can be support by that device?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 20


@fauzan wrote:

i want to measure my greenhouse environment using these sensors and show the output through labview.

is the device compatible with these sensors?

how many input that can be support by that device?


We still can't answer that.  We don't know what your sensors output.  Are they stand-alone USB or just raw sensors, etc.


As far as inputs on that device go...  He gave you a link so you could research that by yourself. Smiley Wink

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 20

I would have to agree with NIquist on this one. 


I suggest your pick a DAQ and design your sensor circuitry to allow for the best resolution based on the DAQ input range.



=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 20

Since I'm on the way home I'll make one thing clear. 


Bottom line: The answer is YES.  LabVIEW was originally designed to interface to the outside world through sensors and Data AcQuisition (DAQ) hardware, process the data, display it, store it, etc.  Your task is trivial compared to most and no matter what kind of sensors you have to work with, you WILL be able to accomplish your task with LabVIEW and some simple hardware interfaces.


BTW, sounds like a hot project...  Hot-HOUSE that is!  (sorry, it's Friday)


EDIT AGAIN:  I missed your component designations in your first post.  Those circuits can be designed to output voltages that any DAQ will work with.  You can get by with the cheapest hardware available.  Especially since all your signals represent the physical world so they change very slowly. 

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 20

I've used the NI's bread board (with DAQ assistant initially) when I was in school. We used it for temp, light, and etc... measurements, the whole system is very straight forward. I would say having the option to simulate signals is a big plus in that. From what you described, I don't think the "slower" rate of data acquisition will disturb you at all. But more information is needed on your sensors and  general functional spec. 

NIquist & RTSLVU, please correct me if I'm misleading/wrong 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 20


@simply_me wrote:

I've used the NI's bread board (with DAQ assistant initially) when I was in school. We used it for temp, light, and etc... measurements, the whole system is very straight forward. I would say having the option to simulate signals is a big plus in that. From what you described, I don't think the "slower" rate of data acquisition will disturb you at all. But more information is needed on your sensors and  general functional spec. 

NIquist & RTSLVU, please correct me if I'm misleading/wrong 🙂



Is that the ELVIS stuff?  Very neat but kind of pricey (unless the school is paying! Smiley Very Happy)


Again, the low-cost USB DAQs from NI or MC are the way to go for the OPs project.  I am assuming that he has enough electronics background to make simple signal conditioning circuits for his sensor chips.

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 20