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How to create PDF Bookmarks with Exaprom PDF?

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Reading in iText IN ACTION by Bruno Lowagie you can create bookmarks for a PDF automatically by adding chapters. Is it possible to do this with Exaprom. Can I just mod a add paragrah so that it adds a chapter?


I love Exaprom. Great package!



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Message 1 of 6

I haven't seen a way to do it directly in the package.  I would look in to using Exaprom as a template and accessing iTextSharp dll directly


Failing that, I have seen the gentleman who wrote the package on the forums before. Maybe you'll get lucky and Jean will respond 🙂

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Message 2 of 6

For the Chapter Bookmarks, it is easy.  For Chapter section, it is a lot of work. But, if you want to add a TOC, it is really, really a lot of work!





If you want to add sections, you have to keep track ot the references.

Chapter Section.jpg


Chapter Section.jpg



Message 3 of 6

Are your pictures from 1.0? I can't seem to find them. I would be happy with the easy part of adding chapter level 1.



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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by Viper

No, those pictures came from the version 2.0.  This is not implemented in the version 1. 


Try this VI (this VI goes at \user.lib\Exaprom PDF\VIs\Text)

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Message 5 of 6

Great pdf toolkit.  Such an important tool to have in LV.


But NI should purchase it from J-M and add features such as bookmarks and TOC and they will ensure thorough testing.

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Message 6 of 6