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How to create an histogram?

I want to create an histogram where in the y axis there are the values that i Calculate and on the x axis there is the count of the value. For example in the y axis i have: average 1= 10, average 2=8, average3= 15. I want to create an histogram where in the y axis there are the values 10 , 8 , 15 and in the x axis the correspondant item : average1 or simply1, average2 or simply2, average3 or simply 3. HELP

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Robbie,

                  did you ever had a look at the Mathematics->Probability function palette? There are ready-to-use functions which provide histograms:






Also refer to these below links for help.



Histogram VI Help Page -
Using the Create Histogram Express VI -


Hope this helps.


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Also launc the Example Finder by going to Help >> Find Examples then search Historgram and several examples come up showing how to make one, using graphs, or even 2D picture controls.

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