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How to create binary template in LABVIEW using IMAQ Vision Libs

I have got a pattern matching routine which reqires a binary template. My application nneds to create this template programeatically. so can anyone tell me how to create a binary image in labview using IMAQ Libraries. also i have got the VISION Assistant ?
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Message 1 of 3
A binary image can be created by tresholding a grey-level image at the appropriate value. This is not a trivial operation, and a number of operations (contrast and brighness adjustments, noise removal, edge enhancement...) are usually required before getting something satisfactory. And the resulting binary image often requires additionnal processing to give the expected result. Do not hesitate to post an example of what you would like to do, to get a more specific help.
And use the Vision dedicated board where you may found a larger number of image acquisition and processing Enthusiasts.

Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
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Message 2 of 3
I know how to create a binary image, but I can't seem to form a template from that binary image. Every time I do an error tells me I have an invalid template. When I try it on NI Vision Assistant it tells me I don't have enough contrast in my template. I can't seem to figure out how to create a binary template. Any help?
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Message 3 of 3