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How to delete rows from 2D array in this case...

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Hello. I'm just begging adventure with labview so please for patient. I created a program whitch suppose work in following way:

2D Input array is array created by FOLDER BROWSING subVI. It works in this way,that browse folder and looking for txt files whose contanins measurment data. In my case subVI founds 4 files,and from theirs headers read information about what kind of data are in file also their's path. In this way is created 2D Input Array. subVI named PLOTS FROM PATHS ARRAY make picture with polar/XY plot. It's create only those plots and legends on one picture as many files(their paths) is setted to the program by output array. I made this subVI in that way and I would not like to change it. 

My problem is that in even loop (witch check for any change by user) program suppose to relay anly those rows(files) for which checkbox are marked, e.g. marking anly 1 and 4 box, program should chose from input array row 1 and 4 only and pass them to output array,then  PLOTS FROM PATHS ARRAY subVI makes a picture only with 1 and 4 plot and legend only for plot 1 and 4. The best solution would be some relay witch is avtivated by logical signal. It lost to me ideas how to solve it, I'm just in blaind corner...

I tried to use delete from array but I don't know how to do use it properly in this program,becease it can be only before or afeter for loop. Below is scan of front panel and also main problem. Please set me up somehow to solve this problem. 


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Marcin Gajewski

I have attached a vi. Is this the one that you need?

Anand kumar SP
Senior Project Engineer
Soliton Technologies Pvt Ltd
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks;) I based on your example and and finge it out. I tried in similar way,but mistake I done was not to create additional demantion to constant input of shift register.
Thank you again for fast answer;)

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