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How to deploy RT target (Crio) chassis configured shared variables, NOT LIBRARIES

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I have a host PC, connected to a RT target (Crio) VIA 5 port switch.


I want to be able to run a program on the Host, which will load and run an RTexe on the RT target.

However I want to be able to load and run different RT exe's, which have different chassis configured variables. Scaling, PWM DIO, ect... might be different from program to program for different channels.

I know how to deploy libraries, but how do I deploy/undeploy the chassis configured shared variables?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

So I have been working on this further, but to no avail.


So I tried to eliminate the need to deploy the project variables by binding the shared variables in my library to the project variables.

But then when i try to deploy the library i get this error



Error -2147467259 occurred at Invoke Node in Find IP and load exe to

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x80004005) Unspecified error. ========================= NI System Configuration:  (Hex 0x80004005) Miscellaneous operation failure.

Method Name: Library:Deploy Library


So I figured that the project variables must need to be deployed in order to deploy a library with binded variables.

So I deployed the project variables in project explorer, but still get the error. It appears you cannot deploy a library which has bound variables.

I confirmed this by deploying the library before I put bindings on the variables, and it works fine.


IDK where to go from here, i just need a way to programmatically deploy the project variables.





0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

When i diploy the variables thru the project, they diploy fine. and are verfied thru DSM

when i diploy programtically, i get errors. and cant see them in DSM

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Hi teslaaaa,


Have you ever successfully been able to deploy the library to the target? What happens if you try to deploy without the startup executable running? 

Robert R. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

I am able to deploy the library just fine, with the exe running, that’s never been the issue.


The problem is the project variables.I believe i am calling them the right name "project variables", the image is what I'm talking about.


If i deploy the project variables from the project explorer before running the EXE, then the EXE works fine.

However I need to have a way to deploy these programmatically from the EXE,  and i can’t figure out how to do that.

I need to be able to do that because not ever piece of software being used for the RT systems will have the same project variables. And not every host will have the development software.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11
Accepted by topic author teslaaaa

Hi teslaaaa,


From your attached picture, it seems you want to programmatically find your Scan Mode I/O. We have a White-Paper article that discusses that here. The first section of the article discusses programmatically discovering your I/O modules, which you will get a reference to your modules. Then you will be able to configure the modules with Property Nodes from that reference.


Let me know if this helps!

Robert R. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Exactly what I needed, Thanks.


And I learned the proper name of those variables, "I/O Variables".

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

One additional question.


How can I programtically deploy I/O variables?


I know from the project explorer they are autodeployed. However I want to shut off autodeploy and instead deploy them manualy.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hi teslaaaa,


Since you are using Scan Mode I/O, there is no deployment essentially. These I/O variables are automatically populated in the Scan Engine, since the modules the I/O variables are from are configured in Scan Mode. From the White Paper I linked in my previous post, you are just discovering, configuring, and reading/writing with the I/O variables when you are using Scan Mode I/O.


I hope this helps!

Robert R. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11



If I "disable auto-deploy variables" in the project explorer, and un-deploy the IO variables. They will not be present to the scan engine. correct?

Thus they have to be deployed, and the only way I currently see to deploy them is thru the project explorer. Either automatically or manually.


If you leave automatic deployment turned on, will an EXE deploy them upon execution?


Edit: I have confirmed that an EXE does not deploy the IO variables. Thus they must be deployed during prject development.

Which creates a problem, because different projects may have the IO variables configured differently, AKA diffrent names, different scaling.



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Message 10 of 11