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How to determine which array element is being edited?


I found the class/typedef thing for casting a reference address.  I can reproduce what Tunde A sent me. 

Now, I'm left with this one problem.  I cannot address the ring strings for individual array elements.  I can see no way to index the array.  I can only change the ring strings for ALL of the array elements.  I can't have different ring strings depending on which array element the the containing cluster is in.

Also, is there some way to do all of this dreferencing and casting and still be able to access cluster properties by name?  What if my cluster get's changed and the modelNumber entity is no longer in the samp position.

Another question.  Is there a way to control the order of entities in clusters?

LV 8.6 on Windoze XP
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Message 11 of 12


(1)To access individual element of the String[ ] array, use "replace array subset" to select the element and update with a new value. Note again that the modification will reflect on all the elements in the array of cluster.

(2) To access the cluster elements by name, get reference to all the controls and use the "label.Text" property to search for the ring control.

(3) Checkout LabVIEW Help (Grouping Data with Arrays and Clusters) for more information on how to change the tabbing order of cluster element.

 Attached is another version of the VI.


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Message 12 of 12