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How to disable a tab control while still using controls on page

I am trying to stop the program user from changing the tab contol value until the contols on the tab page have been set or the page is quit.  A change in value of the tab contol fires an event which should be completed before the next tab is selected.  If I lock the panel or disable the tab contol the user can not operate the controls on the page.  Is there a way of doing this?  Thanks...
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Message 1 of 4
One simple trick
why not make the page selector 'invisible' (property node>> page selector visible-> False), whenever you select a new page?
you then and make it visible(property node>> page selector visible-> True), once your controls are set.
hope this helps

Message Edited by devchander on 09-20-2006 03:34 AM

Message 2 of 4
What you can do is hiding the tabs (see pic below) and force the active tab programmaticily 😉

Hope this helps

Message Edité par TiTou le 09-20-2006 10:35 AM

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

Message 3 of 4
Thanks, perfect.  This also highlights to the user the controls are not available at this stage of the program. Smiley Very Happy
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Message 4 of 4