09-20-2006 03:00 AM
09-20-2006 03:56 AM
hi there
the driver he is searching for can be found here (LV 7.0): https://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.download_page?p_id_guid=E3B19B3E969E659CE034080020E74...
the driver uses the old school GBIP functions, so it should be possible to downgrade it down to LV 5.1. do downgrade open the "HP 3421A Example.vi" and choose
File->Save with options->Save for previous.
since you only can downgrade to the next prior version of LV you need a ladder of LV versions, but i'm sure that if you ask here you'll find someone who can do this for you.
09-20-2006 05:08 AM
09-20-2006 06:08 AM
Here is the version for LV4.0. Found it on an old Instrument drivers CD, vintage 1996.
Hope it works for you
09-20-2006 06:12 AM