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How to do triggering in the program attached?

Here are the details:

We have normal 10 Hz pulse train (100 ms time duration between two pulses) and modified 10 Hz pulse train (time duration between first two pulses is 100 ms + 10 us, between second and third pulses is 100 ms -10 us, between third and forth pulses 100 ms +10 us,between forth and fifth pulses 100 ms - 10 us, and so on). I would like to use the normal pulse to trigger and want to count the pulses of modified one. Additionally, I want to set onetime delay between normal and modified pulse train (which will be in microseconds). I could count the normal and modified pulses. The program is attached in the enclosure named analog_10Hz_count. One more program named Trig-Del-Count_copy, I am attaching where the triggering stuff is tried. I am using PCIe-6351 DAQ. Please suggest me how it will work with trigger of 10 Hz and after certain microseconds delay the modified pulse will get counted up to defined pulses and stop the process.

For analog_10Hz_count program, I can see the pulses and count those pulses which I can't see in Trig-Del-Count_copy and it doesn't stop after defined pulses .

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