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How to drive Linmot with Canopen interface

Hi there,


I'm new to CANOpen and I have some questions.


I want to control linmot with Canopen interface. In my case I use a E1200 drive from  . So I use labview to communicate with E1200 with canbus. Now I can receive data from E1200 drive, but when I send command data like (homing: 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 3F) in 8 bytes to drive with PDO 1 (it's 201h because I set the node id to 1), there is no reaction from drive. Is there any other things I need to do? I'm referring to page 44 of the attached manual.



Thank a lot.



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Stephen,


@Stephenxy wrote:

Is there any other things I need to do?

CANopen drives usually follow the DS402 profile and require some steps to enable/start the drive.

Do you do those steps by setting the Control word (0x6040) as required?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 3

Hi GerdW,


Good suggestion! But when I look up the control word (0x6040) from document of linmot, I can't find any.


By the way, I found this before, and did what they said(sent 01 01 to COB ID=000h), finally I could see the controller is in operational mode through software. But there was still no respond when I sent homing comman.






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Message 3 of 3