03-12-2012 12:18 PM
I'm new at labview and am unsure how to design a VI that will that will convert the analogue voltage from my linear potentiometer into a velocity and possibly acceleration. I know the maths side of things and i have to differentiate to find velocity. I am however not sure how to do this in Labview.
I would appreciate any help as it is part of a college project.
03-12-2012 12:59 PM
03-12-2012 01:00 PM
If you just want to know how fast a potentiometer shaft is turning then you need a DAQ card with analog inputs and the proper DAQmx code to read the signals. This kind of application is LabVIEWs forte.
03-12-2012 01:02 PM
We should keep the discussion in one place, as there has been a lot of info floating around in the other thread.