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How to genrate EXE file

Hi to all
is it possible .....
I am working on a project ,and i have made its GUI in Lab-view 8.5
i don't want to install Lab-view on the system where the project about to install
mean there is no need to install the complete lab-view software ..
is it possible to generate the such type of "exe" file that can be run with out lab-view on that
system ?? like Turbo C Exe file,, OR which part of lab-view i will have to install on the system
by which i can run the application properly.

i had generated exe file of that project
from application builder (project explorer--> build specification)
but it can not be run without software
can anybody tell me how i can do this ??

waiting for yours replies
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Two possibilities: 


  • Build an installer of your application and include the LabVIEW runtime engine, then install that.
  • Download and install the free LabVIEW runtime engine on the target computer. Now the program will run.
Message 2 of 8
To further extend...

SEMAK wrote:
is it possible to generate the such type of "exe" file that can be run with out lab-view on that
system ?? like Turbo C Exe file,, OR which part of lab-view i will have to install on the system
by which i can run the application properly.

The direct answer is no - you need a Run Time Engine, and altenbach indicated what you can do. It's actually a slight misconception that if you build an executable from C then you don't need anything on the target computer. In reality you do - it's just that the OS already has the necessary runtime stuff already installed - for the most part. The need for runtime support is no different than building an executable in any other programming language like Java, Matlab, or .NET. 

Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 11-22-2009 10:09 AM
Message 3 of 8

A step by step guide, how to build an .exe

Somil Gautam
Think Weird
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

You also need the Professional Version of LabVIEW to build exe's. (if memory serves)



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

Yamaeda wrote:

You also need the Professional Version of LabVIEW to build exe's. (if memory serves)

Yes, LabVIEW professional or the application builder add-on.


Since he said that he built an exe already, we can assume that the OP has the application builder. 😉

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

HI thanks to all of u i will try yours suggestion 

again thanks for your quick response and guidance   

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Oh, haven't seen that add-on. Good to know!



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 8 of 8