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How to get LabView 2010 w/DSC module to communicate with EPICS softIOC

Hi All,


As stated in the subject line of this post, I am attempting to display the value of an EPICS process variable (PV) in LabVIEW 2010 (evaluation version).  I have gone throught the steps to create an EPICS Client I/O server, and configuring it by defining an existing PV to access.  I tried creating a bound variable, and configured its shared variable properties as outlined in the documentation.  I dragged the variable from the Project Explorer window into the Front Panel window, and activated continuous run mode, but I get a "Bad quality for: \\my_computer\process_name\variable_name" message.  The remote softIOC & PV value I want to display are working as an Extensible Display Manager (EDM) screen already exists, and correctly shows the value.


The softIOC is running on a Linux host using non-default channel access (CA) ports.  I have defined both user and system environment variables (EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST, EPICS_CA_REPEATER_PORT & EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT) on the PC running LabVIEW.  Does the current version of LabVIEW & DSC pay attention to EPICS environment variables?


As others have gotten the same thing as I am attempting operational, I assume that I am making some basic, newbie mistake.  Any light you can shed will be greatly appreciated.

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It sounds like you may not have deployed your server.  Can you see it/the PV in Distibuted System Manager (Tools » Distributed System Manager)?  If not, try right clicking the library containing the EPICS Client Server in the Project Explorer and select Deploy.

Drew T.
Camber Ridge, LLC.
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