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How to get a list of VI disk locations

I have a large library of VI's for use on our company wide standardized testers.  The company does not want the final code to be linked back to a library, but rather have all the code required to be local.  That means that the developer has to copy the whole set of VI's over to a local development location and start from there.  The classical problem is that somehow, at least one of the VI's is always linked to the non local location.  While I have put a indicator on the front panel of all VI's that shows were they are running from, because these are only seen if you are debugging, it is easy to miss one. 


What I want to do is to generate a VI that runs when the large application (project} opens up.  I want it to list all the subVI's and then I want to strip their paths down and make sure they are all local. 


Under the project, you can show a graphical representation, but I want a tabular one that I can dump to an application.  At least I would like a way to do this manually.

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Message 1 of 3

This might get you started, but you may have to "play" with this a bit to get it right.  If you open an Application Reference and wire its output to a Property Note, you can look at the "Project" property and get an array of all the Projects that are on your machine.  From the Property node of a single Project you can get a list of its Targets.  From the Property Node of a single Target you can get a list of its Children.  From the Property Node of a single Child, you can get a further list of its Children, as well as its Path (which may be what you are trying to find).  So far, that's three nested For Loops, and almost certainly you'll need to "filter out" some of the items as they may not be what you need.Project Items.png

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Message 2 of 3

You can use Get VI Dependencies method. It is discussed over here.

After getting the list you can discard the ones which are not from local ones.

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