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How to get the circle to draw a rectangle rather than a line?

It shows how to generate a circle and any regular polygon. It also shows how to grap more than one dataset at the same time.

(Throw awaysmost of your other code. It is way to convoluted.)

Message 31 of 32

ok thanks alot ill have a go at implementing what you have said and have a mess around with it 🙂


im not sure if it was you i was talking to the other day but i was trying to simplify the attatchment below so that it just allows me to click on the graph to make a coordinate as many times as i want then connect the points up. if it was you do you know/could you simplify down the code for me if you have the time?

also someone suggested the 2nd attchment code but i had trouble making it as there image had the wirting in a different language 


thanks again

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Message 32 of 32