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How to implement state machine architecture

Earlier in this forum, i had taken help in improving the subparts of my main vi, now i had developed a main vi,it is working correctly without any error, but i had used sequence architecture in that and as everyone says we should use state machine instead of sequence architecture, i am posting my vi please help how to implement state machine architecture in this, and actually in my vi, i am having 5 tabs( presently i have developed only 2 tabs) 1. patient info, 2.naadi acquisition, 3.nostril temp., acquisition, 5.other info. presently with tab control i am using case structure so that only only particular page runs at particular time, i want to know how can i improve this code to work more efficiently.

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Message 1 of 15

did you search?....Tutorial: State Machines

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Message 2 of 15

yes, i tried this pattern but the problem that i am facing is as there is no control for the second part that is error checking, i have to do all the things ( create folder+ then error checking on the press of save button only) and i am not getting how to give condition so that control automatically passes to error checking after creating folder ( as i am doing with sequence architecture) in state machine.

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Message 3 of 15

Can you attach the VI? You only attached the project file.


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Qestit Systems
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Message 4 of 15

i am sorry, i thought that vi's are by default attched with project files,i am attaching the main vi and all other associated subvi's also. 

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Message 5 of 15

these are other subvi's, these all subvi's are associated to page 1 "Patient Info".

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Message 6 of 15

these are other subvi's  related to page 2 and page 3.

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Message 7 of 15

 i have attched all the vi's and subvi's, please review my code and help me in making it more better.

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Message 8 of 15

Instead, you could have zipped the entire folder and attached it.


it would be easier to both upload for you and to download for us.



TestAutomation Consultant
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Message 9 of 15

sorry, i didn't know this that zip files can be attched, now i have attached the zip file.

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Message 10 of 15