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How to include a font in the installer?

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Hi all!


My program uses a custom font (namely popular NI7seg font) that I would like to include in my installation distribution.

I am using LabView 8.5 and I have tried force the installer (normally through the options window) to copy the font into [WindowsFolder]\Fonts folder and to add a registry key.


After installation I have noticed that the font actually is added into the registry however it has not be copied to the fonts directory.


Any ideas?




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Accepted by topic author Michal Sobol

Hi Michal,


At first, you should add the font file to LabVIEW project.


Then create a Source Distribution from build specification. In the source distribution setting, you can specify where to distribute the font file.


When you build your installation, you add the source distribution as source file to installer.


I'm not sure if you can skip step 2 to add the font file as source file to installer, but source distribution could work correctly.

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