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How to interface a simulink model in an easy way using LabVIEW 2009 and SIT ?

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I'm working with SIT as well, and since I've seen some of you have dealt with similar problems, here I ask you if you know what's going on with my project...


I need to receive data from simulink and using it in LV. Due to the complexity of my .mdl, I decided to firstly do the task with a simple operation, a product. Since the problem i'm having is that simulink reads the values I send from LV, but LV doesn't receive the result that simulink calculates... I've followed all the tutorials, the mapping is fine, but I have no idea what's going on. Moreover I've read your problems, and I disabled the Storage Reuse and so... besides having test points, etc etc.


I don't know how to go on. The versions of the programs I'm wirking with are:


- Evaluation version of labview 2009

- Matlab R2007b and Simulink 7.0 (but the file is saved as 6.6)

- Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0


I think the compatibilty of these versions is fine. In adittion to all of this, i jsut created thge .dll, but I can't use it since I don't have installed the full Labview yet. But as far as I've read, if i keep open both rpograms (Matlab and LV) it works perfectly (OR SHOULD...).


I attach the simplest simulink model that i'm working on. I firstly need to know how to receive the data in real time from simulink...




Anyone who may have any kind of idea what's wrong in my models please let me know, i'd be really thankful...



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Message 11 of 14


To get the out put signal, I use the gain block on the signal. From SIT manager I can map my indicator to the port of the gain block.

You don't need to make a dll to run SIT. What I do is just open the model and run the labview program. From SIT manager I link to the model file .mdl.


If not sure if this help, please let me know. I am learning this tool too.


Best regards,

Thang Nguyen

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Message 12 of 14


I am working on a model which simulate a pneumatic system which I can control through the valves in the model. I have a valve control model which receive the valve sequence and timing to open and close a set of valves by determined time. I play with different terminals to maps this input data and doesn't get any success.

If I use an array of setting, I have to know exactly the size of the array. This cannot be used cause the sequence of valves is dynamic generated.

I would like to try with a string but matlab cannot accept this kind of terminal. I am kind of stuck here. I wonder if you have some experiment with this.


Regarding mapping the output signal, I am using gain block. By this I can easily map a single value or an array of signals easily.


I have another question.

Do you use the SIT manager to generate the interface automatically or build it from library VIs? I would like to do that cause if I have to modify the code generated by wizard and if I want to change the input or output models, I have to redo everything :(. 

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Message 13 of 14

Hello sir may I get your email id please I hvae few doubts to ask you. Please forwrd your email id to plz sir 



thanking you sir

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Message 14 of 14