08-09-2009 03:26 PM
Think of radio signal measurements.
You drive around by car equipped with an spectrum analysator and a GPS mouse.
So you get the coordinates x,y,z and the strength of the signal (peak in a frequency span).
I have a LabView program for that. At the moment I get a CSV file.
Assume that you only measure your own signal nothing else.
So there is no regular grid.
So how do I get the interpolation for coordinates x,y (z depends on x,y) ?
My first thought was to build triangles by delaunay triangulation and calculate the signal strength of a coordinate x,y by interpolation of the signal strength of the three corners of the triangle.
Yes I know the signal strength can change significant on a distance of only a few meters.
But you can't measure some square kilometers by a grid of only a few meters.
What do you think of delaunay triangulation, interpolation method, VIs that can be used ?
08-09-2009 06:46 PM
08-10-2009 01:42 AM
How do mean that ?
I don't have a z coordinate.
Do you mean to use the signal strength as z ?
Also I have to transform GPS coordinates (Longitude, Latitude) to something like UTM coordinates.
08-10-2009 10:04 AM
HansWerner wrote:I don't have a z coordinate.
HansWerner wrote earlier:So how do I get the interpolation for coordinates x,y (z depends on x,y) ?
Yes, you would use the signal strenght as z if that's the function you want to map into a regular grid.