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How to know which subVI called has been modified

When I try to close my VI , labVIEW says that a subVI call has been modified but does'nt tell me which one exactly, so I'd like to know which VI it is.
How can I Know?

I'm under LV7.1.1


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When a vi is modified, a * (asterix / star) appears to the right of the vi name in the title bar.

I can't remember if in LV7.1, when you select "Explain Changes" if it actually lists the name of the vi(s) that were changed, but unsaved.  In LV 8.x, it does if you use the project explorer (provides complete path to unsaved vi's).  When you close the VI, try selecting "Explain Changes", when the message telling you that you have unsaved VI's appears, and read the info it provides.


Message Edited by JoeLabView on 11-16-2007 08:38 AM
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Message 2 of 4
no it does'nt explain  which VI has been modified.
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Message 3 of 4
If you change and save a subvi, the caller vi may be recompiled or not, depending on the amount of changes (it's up to LV to decide, of course); this may occur immediately - if the caller is currently in memory - or later, when the caller vi is opened.
Once recompiled, the caller needs to be saved but at the Block Diagram level nothing changes, only the call is modified; on the other side, if the subvi was already saved, there is no specific message about which one was changed in earlier stages.
LV 7.1, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2021
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