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How to make Stand alone CVS 1457 RT application with FPGA

Hi all,


I want to make a stand alone real time Vision application using CVS-1457 RT and Gige vision camera. My present code looks like this:


1. NI-CVS 1457RT.

2. FPGA Target with 5 FIFo in and FIFO out for images

3. Host Vi (with subvi's in it)


Right now I am just trying to display a continous video using Gige vision camera(final goal is to also save the images maybe on the remote machine). I can do that on my computer. but my final goal is to just use CVS 1457 with a monitor and keyboard. 

I can compile the code on my computer and it runs fine. But how can I deploy that program to CVS and use it. is there a way to do something like this.

Please do let me know.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

continued here with a double post…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

@GerdW wrote:

continued here with a double post…

Hi GerDW,


I couldnt find the proper answer any where hence the double post....!!!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Hi AnkitG,


It is possible to do what you're asking, although the information about it in our manual seems a bit sparse.  You need to create a project with the CVS added to it (and your VI's as well), and deploy your inspection to it.  Or, if you're using Vision Builder, add the CVS as a target and deploy the VBAI inspection.  The CVS has a VGA out to connect to a monitor, and once your code is deployed the CVS can run by itself without a connection to a host computer.  You can monitor what it is doing with the VGA connection.

Julian R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

@Spicy_Mystery wrote:

Hi AnkitG,


It is possible to do what you're asking, although the information about it in our manual seems a bit sparse.  You need to create a project with the CVS added to it (and your VI's as well), and deploy your inspection to it.  Or, if you're using Vision Builder, add the CVS as a target and deploy the VBAI inspection.  The CVS has a VGA out to connect to a monitor, and once your code is deployed the CVS can run by itself without a connection to a host computer.  You can monitor what it is doing with the VGA connection.

Hi ,


Thank you, I do have a project (please see attached) I tried connecting the monitor with vga I can the image from the MAX on my laptop and see the diplay on CVS monitor but how can use the vi (which I created as host vi with image display) . My end goal is to have a monitor connected to the CVS with that program running in real time and doing image processing , right now I couldnt even display the image through CVS using the program. 


I followed many post and manual but didnt get the proper answer or path on how to deploy the application or create a standalone application (like an executable) using CVS


Do I need to create an executable of host vi? how do I deploy it to the cvs then and run it? 

My host VI does contains FPGA vi reference, if use some FTP program where should I save the exe or related files?

If you can guide me to the steps  on how to deploy an application on CVS or create an standalone program for cvs that will be very helpful



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hi AnkitG,


Your project setup looks good to me.  You should just be right clicking on your target and deploying everything to it and running it as normal.  For outputting to the VGA monitor, I think you're looking for is the IMAQ RT Video, which comes with the IMAQ drivers.  This should output to your VGA monitor.

Julian R.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

@Spicy_Mystery wrote:

Hi AnkitG,


Your project setup looks good to me.  You should just be right clicking on your target and deploying everything to it and running it as normal.  For outputting to the VGA monitor, I think you're looking for is the IMAQ RT Video, which comes with the IMAQ drivers.  This should output to your VGA monitor.

Hi Julian R.


Thank you very much, it did solve my one problem. can you also guide me on how to create an execuatble type application which runs just on CVS?

right I am running it on my computer and can see the display out on CVS monitor using VGA.


- thanks,



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Creating a build spec under the FPGA will create the build specification to create a FPGA bit file.

You can then interact with the FPGA code using a VI that runs either on the host PC or the CVS processor (depending on where you put it in the project). In the project you attached, your VIs are set to run on the CVS, which seems to be what you want.

When you right click and deploy your main VI on the CVS, it will deploy it to the target, and you will still have to run it from LabVIEW.

You can create a startup application (executable that will run on the CVS by creating a build specification for the CVS. Right click on the Buid Specification item (last item of your project) and follow the instructions to create an application (executable) that can run on the CVS. You can choose to have that application be a startup application, meaning that it will run as soon as you boot the CVS up, or when you restart it.




0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Just for information, which version of Vision Development module are you running? 2014, using the new FPGA Vision IP?

If yes, feel free to provide feedback, as this is our first release for the Vision FPGA API.





0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

@ChristopheC wrote:

Just for information, which version of Vision Development module are you running? 2014, using the new FPGA Vision IP?

If yes, feel free to provide feedback, as this is our first release for the Vision FPGA API.





Hi Christopher thank you,


I will try accordingly, yes I am using vision development 2014 .


Thakn you very much for the suggestions.

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Message 10 of 11