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How to make array as an Functional global variable

Im changing within different excel files for different wind speed MPPT, and i have use case structure to choose between different files with slider , how im gonna use FGV for array, i tried from other forums fgv for array ( but when i tried to change excel file from wind speed 5 to 6m/s inside the while , i didn't got change in array outside the while loop.


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Message 1 of 3

From a data flow point of view, your second while loop will not execute until the first one is not stopped. Try to remove the connection between both and run them in parallel. It's a good idea to add a small Wait (ms) into both.

And please attach the whole code instead of a screenshot.

Message 2 of 3

What Andrey meant to say:  From a data flow point of view, your second while loop will not execute until the first one is not stopped.


The "wire" coming out of the first loop doesn't happen until the loop finishes.  The (same) wire going into the second loop doesn't happen until there is data in the wire, and the second loop doesn't run until all its inputs have data.  I call these "The Second Law of Data Flow" and "The First Law of Data Flow". 


Bob Schor

Message 3 of 3