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How to make overlap 2 acquired data images in real-time?

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Dear all,

        I am now doing some FRET measurement in lab. The data of 2 channels are acquired and shown in 2D scanning images seperately using Labview. They are with the same scale and pixel step. Now what I would like to do is to put them into one image but the signals are indicated in two different colors.  Or in another word, overlap them in the same image. How could this be done? BTW, I am now working with LabVIEW 6.1 (I know this is a quite old version, but since the previous work is done with that, I have to stick with this version). Thanks in advance.


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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author franceing

Dear Franceing,


I've been studying your request, but I'm not convinced that you need to stay with the older version of LabVIEW. You can upgrade to the latest version of LabVIEW, but in that case you need to upgrade theVI's your colleauges created in version 6.1. This could be quite a big job (if you are using a lot of "old" vi's), but will give you the latest features and the ease of use of LabVIEW 2009 in return.


For your question, you might think of using the "IMAQ" function (if available in your version). This VI functions as a logical AND (or NAND) function, and merges two images together.


Hope this will help you develop your application!


Best regards,

Peter S

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks very much for your suggestion.

It seems that our LabView program itself is not suitable for making modifications for the up to date vision. There will be a huge amount of work.


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Message 3 of 4

Hi Franceing,


It would indeed be a huge amount of work when you consider upgrading all VIs to the newer version.


Instead you could think of using the latest version of LabVIEW to develop new applications, and only upgrade the older VIs that are necessary in the new program (leaving the original VI in its current state, and creating a new VI of it, based on the latest LabVIEW version).


This could help you quite a lot!


Good luck with the application!



Peter S

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Message 4 of 4