06-12-2018 01:50 AM
As Nap links, the Labviewbasics is a good start, and the online Core 1-3. How fast that'll be is up to you. 🙂
After that i guess it's time to bite the bullet and basically go through the existing code and comment/rename VI's so you understand how it works. In the process you'll probably need/want to change VIs, so some code repository like github or subversion is a good idea (check in often).
If you have specific question on some VI's you're welcome to post them and the VI (not a picture). You might even post your current project in a zip if you're allowed and can get some pointers. (some will probably be harsch, but sometimes code needs tough love)
06-12-2018 09:08 PM
Yes. It's really a tough job if I am asked to deal with every big deal, like experiments themselves, theoretical simulations, hardware test including LabVIEW software skills. I feel overwhelmed sometimes. And I need to publish paper also. I am the only Ph.D. student in our lab on this big and critical project, so no one in my current lab can communicate with me.
I think maybe I should relax a little bit on LabView software skills. I just need to figure out how the current code works and how the code relates to the hardware setup. Still, even this, is not a small business.
Thank you so much for your comments.
06-12-2018 09:23 PM
Hi Bob,
Thank you so much for your message. It is inspiring. It is so great to have all those monster killed and you built your new realm. I have no experience in practical coding. I only learned C language when I was a freshman. Anyway, I am learning LabView now. I am on LabVIEW Basic1 CBT series course now, learning it everyday step by step, sometimes get stuck and repeat again. I really hope that I could optimize our current code to achieve better and more efficient experiment results. I cannot imagine again when I was working hard every time to do the most difficult experiments in our research field in the world. Maybe this is how Ph.D. is. I am in a Chemistry program.