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How to modify Sine Pattern or Wave VI so that an offset can be applied to it.

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Is it possible to modify a the Sine or sine wave.VI so that a voltage offset can be applied to them? 


If not, any ideas on how to build a VI that outputs an array with a sinusoidal pattern which can then be written to a channel?


Suggestions for other options are definitely welcome.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9
Accepted by topic author msmartei

Hi msmartei,

you can use an "add" function on the array output. Connect the array output to one input and a constant with your offset value to the other input.



Message 2 of 9

Look here:
Programming >> Waveform >> Analog Waveform >> Waveform Generation >> Sine


You can specify frequency, amplitude, phase, and offset however you would like.


As for how to write to a channel:
Measurement I/O >> DAQmx Data Aquistion


Those functions should help you do anything you could possibly want to do with DAQ.

Cory K
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

 Thanks. Adding the offset worked to an extent but let me modify my question a little bit. I want to be able to have the sine wave oscillate about non-zero values since im writing the voltage to a device with a range of 0 - 10V. 


In other words, i want to shift my sine wave such that the center line is not zero and the minimum value allowed would be zero. 


Any suggestions?




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hi msmartei,

can you show a graph of the result you want?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

That is simple enough.

Just think of it from a mathmatical point of view. If you have:

y = sin(x)


and you want to 'offset' the y-value, then you just:


y = sin(x) + 'offset'




I added a constant of 5, but you can change that to a numeric control if you want

Cory K
Message 6 of 9

The problem is that my offset is not constant: It depends on the
initial values at the piezos, which could be values as small as zero.
So in a case like this, the sine wave is still centered about zero.


With some arithmetic manipulation, i figured it out:

Sine plot= (abs(Vi-Vf)/2) (sin x) + (abs(Vi-Vf)/2) + Vi

This ensures that the sine plot is always between Vi and Vf .


Thanks for all the suggestions!

- msmartei

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

How would you add a constant like you did on your example given this graph?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

You are asking in a 15 year old thread that is already marked as solved, but to add an offset, just place an "add" after the last multiply and wire a control or constant.


If this is difficult for you, you need to start with the basic learning resources listed at the top of the forum..

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9