02-21-2012 01:17 PM
The requirement is: DMC and KES watchdogs are considered active when they are oscillating between 10 to 100 Hz. Otherwise they are inactive.
A Front panel control should be able to change and monitor the frequency. I was trying to achieve it, since I'm just learning Labview I couldn't find the proper input to connect the knob. Actually I am not sure that if there is any input that can control the frequency. It would be awesome if anybody can take a look at the program and write the code for me.
02-21-2012 03:47 PM
Hi tsarker,
Similar to your other post this VI is missing several dependancies. Also, DMC and KES are not terms that I can find online (a quick search returns only this forum post, and some Run-DMC links )
These VIs use pretty advanced functions if you are just getting started out (for example; clusters, FGVs, queues) - check out some of the links there if you would like to learn, or you can always take some of our formal training. If you do need some code developed for you then we have a number of Alliance Partners who will be more than happy to help out.